About Me....


My name is Panna. I'm 35 (eek!) and from the UK, but have been living in Sydney, Australia, with my lovely husband Jaytal for the last 4 years. 

The biggest thing going on in my life right now - well, I'm a new first time mum, on maternity leave, and finding my way around the mum thing!

Why did I decide to write this blog? Well....

First and foremost, it was a way to record my own personal thoughts, feelings and experiences through the journey of preparing to become a parent and then god help me, BEING a parent!

Given that we live away from our family and so many of our friends, I thought it would be a nice way to give them an insight into what we are getting up to through the journey - I have a funny feeling that we won't have quite as much time or flexibility around Skype and Facetime going forward! As an expat mum, I hope to also share some of the ups and downs I also experience as a result of being in a country that isn't yet home, and also being away from the helping hands that many people also have at this busy time.

Lastly, later on in life when this little one is a bit older, I want to have somewhere that he/she can go to read about our lives at the time of expecting and raising him/her. I remember when I first found the diary my mum had kept of my first year, with key milestone moments, and I loved discovering what I had been up to :-)

I really debated with myself if this was something I wanted to do, as I'm quite a private person, and doing something like this means being honest, with all the downs as well as the ups. It's been a real journey for me to get here, and I had to ask myself whether I was willing to share this. Here I am, so I guess I'm giving it a shot.... 

At the time of writing this, I'm not really sure which way this blog will go, but I plan to be as open as possible. Let's see how I get on....

P xxx

p.s. I'm not technical in any way, so please excuse the simplicity of this blog. It's all my own work as the dear husband didn't want to have to be the one I went to with every little change I wanted to make!