Kicking away :-)

Kicking away :-)

So those flutters that I wasn't sure about have now most definitely turned into kicks - and strong kicks they are! They started off quite light, but 2 weeks on and this little one often gives me a good sign that he/she is awake and ready to have some fun in there. Just my luck, it seems to be around 10pm that playtime starts - I'm sooo hoping that this isn't a sign of what I have to look forward to once the little poppet is born!

I have to admit, the fact that I can now clearly feel the presence of my unborn child is starting to get me into a panic about becoming a parent. Yes, I've said it before, but honestly, again I find myself feeling that feeling that this is really becoming real now! I think I'm going to be saying it well into when he/she is born lol! 

Anyway, so I've mentioned before that it was going to take longer for Jay to feel the baby because of my placenta being positioned at the front. Well it finally happened yesterday!! We were reading in bed, and I could feel the usual kicks, telling me that it's not time for bed yet lol, but they felt a bit stronger than before. I got Jay to just keep a hand there, to which it obviously stopped kicking for a while - cheeky little thing! We were persistent though and kept his hand on my belly for a while, and then it came :-). A strong defined kick, followed a few seconds later by another! Jay suddenly become alert, looking at me with questioning eyes, asking 'was that what I think it was??'. Yes it was! Yes it was your unborn child making his/her presence known to you, it's father :-). His smile - melt!

I remember when I first thought I felt movement - it was a bit strange as I didn't know if it was really that, or something else, so when a proper kick came, it was a bit of a mix of emotion initially of surprise and confusion! With Jay though, he has just been waiting patiently as I have been saying I can feel movement over the last couple of weeks. I've been feeling really bad actually that he hasn't been able to feel anything for so long, but the wait has been worth it, to see his face. It's all well and good to be told your're pregnant, and to see a scan etc, but when you feel it move, it's just something else - the true indication of a life, already started, just waiting to get out into the world, ready to explore....


Trip to WA

Trip to WA

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We are mobile!