Boy or Girl - are we going to find out??

Boy or Girl - are we going to find out??

The current debate in our home at the moment is whether we are going to find out if we are having a little boy or a little girl!

I never actually thought this would be an issue, as history would tell us that I am a total planner, so would obviously want to know, and hubby is the laid back one who will go with the flow, so would be happy to wait and see on delivery day. Well, it's the complete opposite! He wants to know and I'm happy with it being an 'it' for now.

Okay so not so much that I'm happy with it being an 'it' - just more that I think that there is literally NOTHING I can do to sway to boy or girl either way, even if I wanted to! In pretty much most other things in life these days, you can have influence over an outcome, whether it be through the skills of persuasion, through putting in some hard work to improve results, spending some money to change things, or just plain old patience - but at this moment, none of those things are going to change whether we have a boy in there or a girl! That's just my opinion, but there are the obvious reasons for finding out, such as being able to go all pink or all blue with nursery, clothes etc if you wish to. I have to say, the idea of only having to think about either boys names or girls names does appeal, rather than both, but other than that, this is going to be one surprise that I think I want to wait for... 

So, little Jay or little Panna? I guess we will just have to wait and see (or at least that's what i'm thinking at the moment!). 

To doppler or not to doppler??

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