It's a.....??!!!

It's a.....??!!!

After all these weeks of holding out on whether it's a boy or a girl, I can't wait any long, and have convinced hubby that he needs to know too! He didn't make it easy for me - he's the one who wanted to know initially, and then once I said, I wanted to know, he all of a sudden was fine not knowing! Men! Anyway I managed to bring him round with the idea of cake - yes cake!

So basically on the day of our Khoro, with our mums, and Aus friends and family, we would find out whether our little poppet is a boy or girl, by cutting into a cake, which had been baked pink or blue accordingly! He seemed sold on that idea, so that's what we did, and honestly, it was the best day ever! I won't tell, you just yet what colour the cake was....!!

We did all of the cultural stuff in the morning/early afternoon (a separate post), and after lunch was the big reveal! Some people thought that myself and Jay already knew, and that this was a way to tell everyone else, but we didn't know either! We found out at the same time as everyone else. How did the baker know what colour to bake the cake I hear you ask? Well, we had the sonographer call him and let him know - yes they do that when you have had to pay so much for your scans!

As my friends and family might know, we were absolutely convinced we were having a boy - night dreams I had were of me having a boy, and from there all I could really imagine was a boy! Then as I have got bigger, my belly is all out front, rather than spreading wider, so everyone says that is a sign of a boy. I think there may have been only a handful of people who said a girl, for a number of reasons. There was no way it was going to be a pink cake - no way!

Then this happened....

yes, PINK!!!

yes, PINK!!!

There was no way that I thought it was going to be pink, and I think because I was so convinced it was going to be blue, so was Jay. I just can't explain how shocked we both were - speechless, and to be honest, left wondering whether someone was playing a joke on us! Jay's hand just froze when we lifted the cake up, so I had to actually guide it to the plate - his face is of total disbelief haha!!

A girl, A GIRL!!! Absolutely over the moon :-). We would have been either way, but just knowing now just seems unreal - we are going to have a daughter. Jay is going to be a total pushover and already states that he will be able to provide no discipline whatsoever. She is going to have him well and truly wrapped around his little finger - he knows it, and I know it. We just can't let her know it!

Honestly, this was one of the best surprises of my life. I'm not the best person at letting people surprise me, as I'm just too impatient, but this was amazing as I had absolutely no idea - I think you can tell that from our faces! The emotion we both felt was overwhelming. I felt anxious, nervous, excited, scared, so happy, and so in love with our unborn baby all at the same time, that it just reduced me to tears. I wasn't expecting to feel it all pile up on me like that, but not in a bad way - i guess it was just the element of being able to finally know that we will be having a daughter, rather than not yet knowing, that built up and got the emotions going!

If you want to see the video of us cutting into the cake, I've got it below. It still gives me goosebumps to watch it - I wouldn't have had it any other way :-)

My Khoro - aka Indian Baby Shower

My Khoro - aka Indian Baby Shower

Baby Registry??

Baby Registry??