Baby Registry??

Baby Registry??

I'm torn with the whole registry idea and haven't done it so far, but now that my friends have send out a Save the Date for my Baby Shower, I'm getting asked where I have registered!

The reason I haven't done it is the same reason we didn't do it for our wedding - it just feels as though you are asking for presents! I just feel a bit uncomfortable with the idea that I am suggesting what people can buy us, like I expect them to buy us something! 
In reality, I guess I know that isn't the case -  a few people have already said that there is no way that people will think that, but it totally makes sense to register at one or two places as otherwise they wouldn't know where to start with what to get. There are obviously also the practical reasons in that you don't want to end up with doubles of things, or things you just don't need, or maybe don't have the space for. As one of the girls put it, and I won't name names, 'of course you should register - you don't want to end up with a load of c*ap'!!

The other advantage I guess is that with being over here in Aus, I have a couple of friends at home in the UK, who have also asked if I have registered anywhere, so that they are able to get something for the baby - something that I actually want/need, and also without the hassle of trying to figure out where to buy baby stuff from in a country they don't know!

Okay okay, I get it - registering it is then...

Soooo another thing to add to my to do list, but I guess it's all stuff I would be researching anyway over the next few weeks as I look to make my newborns essentials list. It's just I need to do it a bit earlier, so here I am trying to figure out where to start, with youtube as my current best friend, looking at reviews on products all things baby.

Right, where do I start? I guess a list of items, with varying but reasonable price points, so that people have options. The bigger problem I face is WHERE to register! If I was in the UK, I know that Mamas and Papas, John Lewis, Debenhams, or even Argos are all options, but here I'm a bit lost! Honestly, it is overwhelming enough with all the things you need to think about for a new baby, pregnancy, becoming parents etc etc, but when you don't even know the main go-to baby shops that won't rip you off just because it says 'pregnancy' or 'baby' in front, you can find yourself pulling your hair out!! Yes yes, I know - it will all be alright - it's just a lot at times :-(

So after many hours of research, I have a full list of the various baby stores, but getting it down to a main few is the bigger problem! The baby stores all seem to be in retail parks/supercentres, so not really always convenient for people to get to. I feel bad enough making a list as it is, and then to make it difficult for people to be able to use it, is just too much lol!! Sooooo, I find myself looking through my main registry contenders to try and find a place where people can choose to buy online should they wish to use any of the registry sugestions. The winner for my baby registry is BABY VILLAGE in Bondi Junction ( Though there is only one store, they are easy to get to for most people, and if not, there is the option to buy online. You would expect that some of the bigger stores such as Baby Bunting and Babies R Us would also have this option, but they don't!

I set about going through the list of things I need to get before the baby comes, and this list is BIG!! Then I'm asking myself, what's reasonable to put on this list? Am I thinking too much about it? I'm told I should just put down anything that I am considering buying myself, and then whatever doesn't get gifted to me, I can just fill the gaps - sounds reasonable. Ahhhh but
I still don't feel comfortable making this list!! Concentrate Panna - the decision has been made and people are asking for it, so you need to do it!!

I manage to convince Jay to go to the store so that we can actually get a bit of advice on items, and see them in person before putting them on the list. It was actually a really productive visit to the store - I've come across a few sales assistants who don't really know what they are talking about when it comes to products, but rather they are just repeating what they have read in the guidebook. Luckily, the sales assistant we go on this day was great! She took the time to explain about the products we were looking at, but also gave the pros and cons that other customers had fed back, to be able to give a real life spin on the advice. She also reminded us that we may choose a load of items, but if the baby doesn't like them, the baby doesn't like them, and we will be forced to change! Who said babies don't have an opinion - seems like they have an opinion right from day dot!

Serious stuff!

Serious stuff!

Anyway, we came away with a good list of items, that we would have been getting ourselves anyway. The only reservation I have about these things, apart from what I've said before is that there is always a chance that items may be found cheaper somewhere else - luckily Baby Village price match so hopefully people make use of this option! I'm always looking for a deal, so stuff like this matters to me haha!!

So I have my list - let's see how it works out...!!

It's a.....??!!!

It's a.....??!!!

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