A moment in time...

A moment in time...

I've always loved photos - to take them, to be in them, to pose for them, to look through them, and especially to reminisce over them. It went without saying that we were going to have a newborn shoot for Mia, even though it went against our cultural rule of not going out for 6 weeks after the birth of a baby! Nothing was going to make me miss capturing Mia in her first few days! She was a week old when we had a photoshoot with Bows and Ties Photography and Jess, the photographer, was amazing!

I researched for a long time, to find the right photographer for us, and Jess didn't let us down. I had seen on Instagram and Facebook that she was very patient with newborns and also that she didn't repeat the same old poses shoot after shoot - this worked for me. The shoot took about 3 hours and Jess didn't rush us at all. Mia even had a couple of 'accidents' during the shoot, but it wasn't a problem for Jess! She simply smiled and carried on - exactly what you need from a newborn photographer :-)

We came away with a nice variety of images, and it was a very emotional moment when we went to view them a couple of weeks later. We watched a slide show of the images and together with the background song, it brought tears to my eyes to see my daughter there on the screen. Okay so maybe my hormones were still all over the place, but it was more than that! That was MY baby on the screen, with me, her MUM, and Jay, her DAD!! MY BABY, and us, MUM and DAD - our FAMILY!! It was my family on the screen for the first time - WOW! I don't know how to explain it. The song didn't help holding back the tears - it was 'Feels Like Home To Me'. It was bad enough when it played with the Qantas advert on TV, but now as the background for my new family slideshow, there was no way there wasn't going to be a flood of tears! You got me Jess, you really got me!

I just felt the urge to watch it again - yup, the tears again. That damn song lol!!

Anyway, here are a couple of the images...

We actually used one of our images to create a frame which holds sculptures of Mia's hands and feet. Have I gone a bit momento crazy? Maybe! I just think though that they are only this small for such a short time, and I wanted to have a reminder of this time, for both Jay and I, but also for Mia when she is older. I look at her now, and I'm so glad I did this, as she is already soooo much bigger, even though people keep saying she is still so small. Way too grown up already for my liking!

We had another shoot recently, when my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and niece were over from the UK. My niece is only a month older than Mia, so we thought it would be great to do something fun like this! We still haven't finalised our selection yet, so I don't have the images available but we went with Bows and Ties Photography again :-). I will put some of the images up on Instagram when I have them - they really capture Mia's playful nature, as well as her love of sleep lol, but watch this space on my Insta account to see what I mean!

So when will our next shoot be??!! As soon as possible if I have my way lol, but I think Jay may put a dampener on that! It is expensive to go photoshoot crazy - I know that - but I love having this record of Mia as she changes. I think I will need to dust off my camera and get practising my own photography skills - lucky Mia already recognises when she has a camera in her face - that's half my battle won. Now I just need to get her to understand that outfit changes are required - she prefers wearing no clothes and that is most definately not the way I want her to get used to being photographed lol!!

The one I never got to meet xx

Mother's Groups - yay or nay?

Mother's Groups - yay or nay?