Mother's Groups - yay or nay?

Mother's Groups - yay or nay?

I'm the first to admit that I was weary about the Mother's Group idea. I don't know why but I just had this vision of a group of fuddy duddy women sitting around winging about how tired they are all the time, surrounded by loads of screaming babies! My idea of fun? Not so much!

Don't get me wrong - there are screaming babies, and there are women sitting around winging lol, but it's a welcome break from being cooped up in the house. I actually look forward to Tuesdays and catching up with the ladies in my group. It's a mix of first and second time mums, but everyone is in the same boat - tired (read exhausted!), confused and just in need of some coffee and advice from other ladies going through the same thing! 

The format? Well, it's really casual - you go there and introduce yourself and your bub, with any questions you might have. Then you discuss and get the advice from the midwife and the other ladies. It's really good to hear the opinions and advice from the other ladies, as it's just real life you know, rather than something in a book. It's a place you can go and ask any questions you feel, without feeling like you are being judged - no question is too weird! In my personal experience, I've had help and advice on many things, from 'normal' poo to crazy sucking of her forearm, to feeding advice, to tips when buying a baby carrier! You name it, at least one of the ladies will be able to give you something, and that's all you need, to know you're not on your own. 

Mia has actually graduated last week from the official Early Childhood Centre Mother's Group, as they are only offered by the council until 12 weeks. We will however still be meeting every week, to continue the support we offer each other. We'll meet in a park somewhere, or someone's house. I'm really glad for this as it's a good little group of ladies, and what I love the most is that everyone is really quite open and happy to help each other as much as they can :-) In addition to this, the babies are now a lot more curious of the other babies, so it's really cute to see them looking at each other and wondering why the crying noise is coming from someone other than them!

I'm the first mum in our immediate group of friends, and though everyone is really supportive of us as new parents, there is nothing like someone being in the same position at the same, time, even if it is just to say 'I'm shattered - I only sleep 4 hours a night too'. When you're soooo tired, you just want to know that you're not the only one who is up at 4am everyday, eyes half open trying desperately to get that baby back to sleep again, so that you can have even just 10 more precious minutes!

So yes, traditional mother's groups may not be everyone's cup of tea, but honestly, it was one of the best decisions I made to go to mine as I have found it invaluable as support, and I hope to continue some of these friendships going forward :-). If nothing else, it's a great place to go just to keep your sanity!! ;-)

A moment in time...

A moment in time...

3 months on...

3 months on...