3 months on...

3 months on...

So my little muchkin is 3 months old - officially the end of the fourth trimester as they call it.

How has it been? Well I don't know where to start really - as always, a total mix of emotions. There have been smiles, tears, sleepless nights, happy playing, screams, tantrums, lots of worrying over every little thing, and everything else! BUT, it has been the most amazing 3 months of my life :-).

So the first thing we say when anyone asks how it has been is 'tiring'! Isn't that what every new parent says??!! Well that's because it's true - you feel so many things, but 'tired' is totally the most prominent if you have to sum it up. I would like the think that it's only temporary, but I'm not going to kid myself - there isn't light at the end of this tunnel any time soon! 

Health wise, Mia has finally started to put on good amount of weight. I keep being told that she needs to put on more, but surely there is only a certain amount a little baby can put on, without it being totally abnormal. It used to stress me out and concern me, but I can see that she has put on weight, and she isn't a skinny baby, so I'm happy. She is just a small baby, and Dr Morris said he wasn't really too surprised given that both myself and Jay aren't exactly big! The one thing that still does get on my nerves is when every person we come across says how small she is, with some even assuming that she was premature. One person even asked how many days old she was, when she was 2.5 months! Literally every person says how cute/gorgeous/adorable she is, so that softens it a little bit, but still...!! It totally is a sore point, and Jay laughs at just how much it annoys me so much that I scowl at these strangers when they have started to walk away lol!

Other than that, we have had to deal with a UTI, which is apparently very common in babies, with most parents not even knowing that bub has one. We just found out because Mia became slightly dehydrated in the major summer heat this year. It was actually also due to the UTI causing her to want to sleep all the time, and therefore not feeding enough. As a first time mum though, to be told that your baby has anything out of the ordinary sends you into a panic. Luckily, a short course of antibiotics (which she actually loved the taste of so much that she would just open her mouth for it!) was able to clear the infection, which was confirmed by having to take a urine sample. For anyone who hasn't experienced this, the usual 'psssss' sound or finger in water trick does not work, hence having to spend a total of 55 slow minutes over her with a pee cup in hand to get a clean sample - fun times! The funny thing is that we clapped after she finally did her wee, and she now associates the fact that we clapped when her nappy was off, with doing a wee every time her nappy is off for a while! Even more fun times!!

Sleep?? Well we obviously have lack of, but when she sleeps, she generally sleeps okay. The problem we have is that our little party girl only likes going to bed after midnight! That's the hard bit, as Jay and I are itching to get to bed earlier, just out of exhaustion, but can't because Mia is what seems to be her liveliest lol! We are trying all sorts o tricks, and tried to get her into a bit of a routine, but nothing seems to be working so far. Admittedly, we may need to be stricter, but it's really hard todo that! Plus, through fault of our own, we have lacked a bit of consistency for her. Routine means to be consistent with the approach you take, so that they know what to expect when it comes to bedtime, and we haven't been the best with this as we have had a few social commitments and guests from overseas. Totally our own fault though, and I feel really guilty as Mia just seems a bit unsettled with everything going on around her. It's up to Jay and I give her a stable environment and with all the changes around her, I'm not sure we have been doing the best job with that.

As a baby, Mia is truly just a delight :-). Sure she has her moments, but she is thankfully a generally happy baby, and we have had so many comments about just how happy and content she seems. Yup, she definitely turns on the charm when we are around people haha!! No, honestly, I have seen some very difficult babies, and though she often does have her own dramatic moments, she is a really good baby, with a real character of her own, even by 3 months.

Mia is a fun, lively, playful baby, who knows her mind (I can't think who she takes after!!). If she wants something, she will make sure we know. If she wants to sleep, she will make sure we know. If she doesn't want to sleep, she will also make sure we know! This 3 months, have been the most tiring of my life, yet also the most rewarding. I know it doesn't end here, and I honestly cannot wait to see what Mia has in store for us over the next 3 months. It's scary how quickly she is changing and growing up. I need her to stop! My baby will be going to school before I know it at this rate! Nooooooo!!!! :-(

3 months on and going strong :-)

Mother's Groups - yay or nay?

Mother's Groups - yay or nay?

I NEED information!!

I NEED information!!