Time to pack...

Time to pack...

After just 2 weeks short of 4 years, the time has come to move out of the City! Initial feelings on this are 'EEEKK - what are we doing??!! We aren't ready!! How will we go back to commuting??!!

I didn't really realise how much of a big deal it would be, but I guess, as with anything over time, you get comfortable and change makes you a bit anxious. The thing is, EVERYTHING is changing for us at the moment, so the anxiousness is triple-fold lol! We don't ever seem to do things by halves - sigh...

Anyway, so even though we have been looking to buy a place, we haven't managed to find anywhere that we liked and that was in our price range (Sydney prices are just extortionate!), so we made the decision to move to rent in the direction that we would like to buy in, on a temporary basis. This way, we can get used to commuting again, and also do a bit of a trial in the direction we want to buy, to ensure we are suited to it, and it is suited to us. So off we go, over the bridge to the north shore...

Not being from Sydney, it's difficult to know where to move to. We aren't really restricted in where we can move to, apart from the price factor! We settled for the north shore because this seems to be the direction that has felt most natural to us when exploring. It has a bit of a familiar feel, even though it isn't familiar at all, and has a good reputation generally for family life and schools. Wow, all such grown up stuff to be thinking about - let me just re-iterate my EEEKK!!!

We've known that we were going to be moving for a while as there is no way that we could have brought the baby home to our tiny 1-bedroom flat, but it still doesn't prepare you for just how much there is to do from the time you actually sign the lease - especially when you are moving from a fully furnished apartment to an unfurnished apartment. We need to buy EVERYTHING, down to the kitchen bin! Time to get shopping!

Jay and I have never had to shop for furniture together before as I moved into his place in London when we got married, and then we moved to our fully furnished apartment in the City when we got to Sydney. Who knew how much you could argue about furniture! We can, and we did :-)

The packing is overwhelming for anyone, but when you're pregnant, you have to be very careful not to overdo it. As much as I hate to admit it, this was one occasion when I couldn't just get on and do everything (though I am guilty of sneaking around a couple of time to get up on a stool to get something, or lifting something that was probably not recommended!). When we moved to Australia, we were really lucky to have my mum and friends come over and help to pack everything up, which is not only physical help but just a bit of emotional support in stressful times. I know she felt really bad that she wasn't able to help me this time around, especially as I'm pregnant and it's that much harder. Luckily we have our auntie here in Sydney now, and she has been an amazing help in getting organised. Auntie K you've been a gem!

We've kind of got our heads around us moving now - I think! Time will tell how we get on.... wish us luck!!

Reflections at halfway

Reflections at halfway

Mid-trimester Scan

Mid-trimester Scan