Capturing this special time...

Capturing this special time...

I've been contemplating having a maternity shoot since the start of this pregnancy as it really is a special time in a woman's life, and I thought it would be really lovely to just capture a moment of that time.

I went from deciding to do it, to deciding that I didn't need to do it (added expense at an already VERY expensive time), so much so that Jay decided to just go for it and treat me to a shoot for my birthday - decision made then! Most people would have their shoot in the second trimester at some point, but to be honest, I'm glad that we left it later, at about 34 weeks, because I was really still quite small in the second trimester and might not have looked so maternity at all, and more just like I had become a bit podgy lol!

So obviously now that it was booked, I needed to find the perfect outfit - erm panic on where to find something suitable for an 8 month pregnant woman, that doesn't look frumpy, that is a neutral colour because apparently that works best, that will show my belly shape off without making me look like I'm just fat, and just generally make me feel nice! Oh, and something that I can get delivered to Sydney in a week - great - the virtually impossible!!

I spent lunchtimes for a week trying the find the right dress, and made a massive order from Asos to try and find the right thing. The problem was that I knew exactly what I wanted, but just didn't know where to get it - still the problem I have in Sydney, even after 4 years! Anyway, so I couldn't find what I wanted, and about 15 dresses later from Asos, that wasn't my solution either! Luckily, as I had just about given up hope and about to have a dramatic meltdown to Jay and refuse to do the shoot (hormones? what hormones?!!), I went past a little boutique store at the train station and decided to take a look in. Now, in the past few weeks, this would usually just be a depressing choice to make as I now can't fit into anything, BUT one dress caught my eye that may just have had some potential - fingers crossed! I tried it on, and loved it! Exactly what I wanted, and not even a maternity dress! Obviously not my usual size lol, but managed to get a bigger size in a normal fit, that actually didn't look completely out of shape on me - those of you out there who have had this dilemna before will know what I mean!

Anyway, so one outfit ticked off the list, but there was also the option of having a 'belly out' shot, which I wasn't too keen on, but Jay wanted me to at least try! I've seen some real glamour pregnancy shoots, which really aren't my thing, but apparently they can do some amazing silhouettes, which I was intrigued by. BUT, I need something to wear lol!! Long story short, I found something that was mostly covering me, but that I could wear with my belly out in an elegant manner, if that makes sense!

The shoot itself was going to be with Blumenthal Photography (, based in Rose Bay. I looked at their work online, and was happy that they would do something quite tasteful for me :-). Seemed to be a more natural style, focussing more on the belly, than your face kinda thing-  exactly what I was after, and on the day, exactly, what we did :-)

The shoot itself was at Milk Beach in the Eastern Suburbs - I had never been there, but it was the perfect location for a shoot like this. The actual day turned out to be a bit overcast, rather than the sunny day I was hoping for, but in hindsight, it was probably for the best as it meant that I wasn't squinting in the photos! I was really happy with how the session went - it was really relaxed, and I was quite chilled about it, going on the direction of our photographer. Even a sneaky outfit change on a public (though very small and private) beach was managed without me shying away - okay so it was behind some very large rocks, and nobody would have been able to see me, but still!!

We haven't got the photos yet, but here are just a few of what Jay managed to take 'while on location' :-). I'm quite impressed with his work, so really really looking forward to the professional photos!


Thanks to the husband for making the decision for me on this - I had so much fun, and at 8 months pregnant, it was really lovely to be able to get a bit of special treatment, for probably the last time lol!! :-)



A few days to go...

A few days to go...

My Baby Shower :-)

My Baby Shower :-)