My Khoro - aka Indian Baby Shower

My Khoro - aka Indian Baby Shower

Khoro is the traditional Indian baby shower, where the first pregnancy of the bride of the house is celebrated. It is a blessing of the mother-to-be and child, and asking for protection of them both. It is held in the 7th  month of pregnancy.

We were very lucky that both our mums flew in from the UK especially for this ceremony. They both felt that I would only get to do this once, so it was worth the journey. They both flew in, for quite short visits, so I feel really lucky that they were able to do this, so that I wouldn't miss out on this special ceremony :-)

The weeks leading up to the day were busy! Usually the mums would be all over this, with planning each detail, but given that we are in a land far away, they had less clue than us on where to get things, catering options etc etc. I had a list of things to do, of which I had no clue where to start, so google became my best friend for the next few weeks! Between myself, Jay and Auntie K, we planned to have this covered well ahead of time, but as usual, hit a bit of a brick wall on certain things, so were planning to the last minute! 

The mums seemed way to chilled out compared to what they would be at home - I think they just assumed we had it all under control - little did they know! There were two main things I was worried about - 1, how we would fit so many people into our flat - yes it was bigger than we had before, but still no mansion, and 2, the food - it doesn't matter what kind of indian event you go to, everyone will always talk most about the food, so the pressure was on! Luckily my aunt gave me the number of a caterer last minute, who was highly recommend and actually not charging as extortionate prices as some of those I had previously called. I had all fingers crossed until the day, and the food was actually AMAZING! It was all vegetarian, and even the meat eaters were impressed :-)

There was a mix of events on the day - religious, cultural, and fun! The whole day pulled together really nicely, with everyone being in a good mood, and letting the day flow, rather than stressing too much. The grand finale was when we found out the gender of the baby, which I will share in a different post. Needless to say, it was a very exciting moment for us, and all who shared it with us :-)

A great day all in all, a really great day, that left us on a high for a few days after :-). So much love in the room - what could be better than that? :-)

My Baby Shower :-)

My Baby Shower :-)

It's a.....??!!!

It's a.....??!!!