Holding my breath - results of the NIPT!

So I've been waiting anxiously for the last few days for these results. Apparently it used to take up to 2 weeks for the results to come back as they would go to America for analysing, but now Sydney Ultrasound for Women have them analysed in Australia, though they still take 5-8 working days to come back.

I didn't think too much about the results when we went to have the test done as I was pre-occupied with the scan showing a healthy heartbeat, but now in this last couple of days, you can't help but wonder 'what if...?'

I was at work when the call came - an unfamiliar number calling. I froze! I couldn't pick up and just let it go to voicemail. I had to call back obviously so went to a quiet spot and called the number back - voicemail! My own fault, but how annoying! My heart was beating so fast at this point that I could feel it thumping away! I literally had my fingers crossed, praying that it wouldn't be bad news. As I mentioned in my previous post, my age (I hate having to say that - grrrrr!!) puts me in the higher risk group, and once you've been told that, it just stays in the back of your mind, creeping out, whenever you least need it to!

The lady called back 10 minutes later, and a sigh of relief - our little poppet has passed it's first test! The results came back as low-risk for any chromosomal problems with the baby - which is the best it can get as you are either given an indication of low-risk or high-risk. I'm HAPPY!

At this point, the lady asks if we want to know the sex of the baby, as this blood test can also give this information. We had agreed that we wouldn't find out, BUT there is something that feels quite wrong with this lady knowing whether it's a little boy or a little girl in there, yet neither Jay or I know!

I wonder how long we will hold out - my biggest test of patience yet... :-)

First Trimester Scan - 12 weeks

The first ultrasound / NIPT Testing - 10 weeks