The wait is over! Introducing...

The wait is over! Introducing...

... Miss Mia Doshi :-)

She arrived on 14th December 2016, weighing in at 2.73kg (6lbs) and 49cms long!

Mia's due date was 23rd December, so a few days early. The whole labour process was not as planned AT ALL, but she is here and healthy, so the rest is history! I will write another post on my experience soon. All that matters now is that our baby girl is here, and life will never be the same again...

At the moment, I'm thinking bring on all the sleepless nights, dirty nappies and whatever else she brings - because this little lady has totally stolen our hearts :-). Whether i will still be saying this in a few days time, time will tell lol!!

Dad so far? Well he is 100% smitten with his baby daughter. All that talk about him not changing nappies etc has all gone out the window! I ended up having to have a cesarean (long story for another post), so he actually ended up changing the first of Mia's nappies as I wasn't able to get out of bed. Once the first is done, apparently they can only get better - really??!! I hope so, for all our sakes!

That's all for now - let's see what this parenting thing is all about...

My labour experience

My labour experience

A few days to go...

A few days to go...